Following the recent relaunch of the Monkey Island franchise, LucasArts is giving gamers even more old school love by bringing its classic games to Steam. This Wednesday, July 8, gamers can log on to Valve's download service and obtain copies of the following games:
Armed and Dangerous
The Dig
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Republic Commando
Star Wars Starfighter
Thrillville: Off the Rails
Darrell Rodriguez, president of LucasArts says, "This effort is going to make it possible to introduce a whole new generation of gamers to LucasArts' classic games." LucasArts also says this is the "first round of releases" intended to "revitalize its deep portfolio of beloved gaming franchises" so we're hopeful that the company has plans to release even more gems from its extensive catalog, including such hits as TIE Fighter and Maniac Mansion.