Once upon a time in the past - around the year 1994 - a software company called Adeline Software International released a game titled “Little Big Adventure” or “Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure”. This game, a classic pseudo-3D action adventure game with an epic story set on a fantastic planet, has now entered the testing stage in ScummVM. Please, note that a few features of the original game are not implemented yet. However, we also added a few features which are new for the game. Features not available yet and known issues:
The holomap is not yet available
Changing the rendering details is not supported yet
The credits sequence has a few rendering bugs
New features:
An option to disable wall collision damage
Improved UI navigation
This was all made possible by the people behind the TwinEngine project and the LBA community. Please test the game with the latest development build and report any issues you find on our bug tracker.