Talfi has posted the following news for those waiting for news of the Chanka Dreamcast Emulator for Windows:[br][br] There are some news about Chanka. The public would be released this weekend or the next week. Some requirements for Chanka : [br] [br]1) CPU with SSE instructions (Intel P3/P4 or AMD XP) [br]2) ATI Radeon or nVida GeForce (with the last drivers) [br]3) DirectX 9.0b [br]4) Windows XP (Windows 9x or Milleniun Edition won't work. W2K possible) [br] [br]Now some info about the release : [br] [br]Actual compatibility around 10% [br]Some games work at 40fps [br]Sound is working near perfect (P4 2Ghz or similar). Tony Hawk works at 60fps with sound!! [br] [br][br]Thanks to Talfi for the news.