Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the front end for PC.
Yes you heard right after long time and changes in my life i was finally able to get some free time and work in the app we all love(at least me and few people here )
anyways enough talk... let´s go ahead
Beta 6 Changes:
*Slider bug fixed(finally)
*Faster slider scroll
*covers scroll speed ups
*messenger display the correct icon now(game or audio)
*lot of bugs that caused some emulators not to work propertly.
*bug fixed in the covers(drag and drop from pics)
*bug fixed adding folders(@ES was unable to add folders with a dot in the filename)
*added sounds for each menu, icons, background and intro!
*multi-stream playing(100% complete but not used at all atm... more comming soon)
*speed ups in the grabbing code
*small fixes in the ePSXe grabbing code
*small fixes in the PJ64 grabbing code
*fixed problems switching to fullscreen(ePSXe and PJ64)
*shortcuts added(for use with TV-Cards Remote control)
*Gamepad support(complete but not 100% implemented due the lack of time)